Wine o' clock – the Christmassy cover for your wine bottle

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Wine o' clock – the Christmassy cover for your wine bottle

Bought 1500+ times in the last month

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About this article
Wine o' clock - the Christmassy bottle cover for your wine bottle
Christmas is the time of wonderful lights, beautiful songs and good food!

What could possibly be missing? Right! The right wine! 🍷

And you wrap it up really nicely at Christmas time Wine o' clock – the Christmas bottle cover! 🎅🏻 ☃️

Puts everyone in a good mood! 🎄 ☺️

Psssst: Your favorite wine beautifully packaged in Wine o' clock is the perfect gift for all wine lovers! 🎁

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is individual


type of wholesale


Set style



No gift box

model number

W1722 / W1807

- USE 1T

New Year decorations

- USE 2T


- USE 3T

Christmas stockings

- USE 4T

new year

- USE 5T


- USE 6T

Christmas presents

uses 7

Happy new year

uses 8

Christmas decoration

uses 9

christmas ornaments

uses 10

christmas decoration


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