Biodegradable Nonwoven Fabric Nursery - Grow Bag Seedling Planter Plant Pots Garden Eco-Friendly Aerating Bag

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Biodegradable Nonwoven Fabric Nursery - Grow Bag Seedling Planter Plant Pots Garden Eco-Friendly Aerating Bag

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☺ Biodegradable non-woven nursery bags, plant growth bags, cloth pots, plant bags, home garden supplies.
☺ Eco-friendly, breathable and biodegradable non-woven material, no need to remove the bag when transplanting, improving the plants' survival rate.
☺ Excellent water absorption and permeability, nutrients and moisture can be easily absorbed.
☺ High survival rate, fast growth, keep the plant growing well. Prevent the seedling from forming tangled roots and rotting roots.
☺ Multipurpose. Non-woven fabric seedling bags can meet a variety of planting needs, perfect for flowers, vegetables, seedlings, and cover your garden.

model number



Non woven fabric


Nursery pots




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